Autour de la jeune République — 1776-1860

Naomi Wulf, Biographie et histoire dans la jeune République. Réflexions méthodologiques


This paper aims at assessing the relatively recent rediscovery of biography as a historical genre and its place in the historiography of the Early Republic. Beyond biography as a traditional genre, many historians have reinvented a biographical approach to history in which they do not merely tell a life-story, but study individuals as they reveal and reflect the period in which they live. This renewed approach is particularly telling of the early years of the American Republic when a sense of individualism emerged within mass democratic culture.

Mots clés

Biographie, Jeune République, individualisme, Annales, historiographie
Biography, Early Republic, individualism, Annales, historiography

Naomi Wulf est maître de conférences à l’Université Paris 12 — Val-de-Marne.
